Jolanda Spirig

Jolanda Spirig’s books are based on facts. They tell stories, illuminate interstices and show everyday life in all its facets. Through her research, the author penetrates the most diverse social strata and eras. She recognizes connections, depicts contrasts and, quite incidentally, comes across astonishing parallels to the present day.
The themes cross her path. In her selection, she is guided by relevance and her interests: Stories from below, stories from above, from maids to textile dynasties to detailers. In her documentary books, which are widely and internationally reviewed, the lives of generations are reflected. And in between, contemporary history always flashes up. For her documentary literature, the Marbach author was awarded the first Rhine Valley Culture Prize “Goldiga Törgga” in 2012.
She is also the winner of the international Prix Wasserfrau. It was awarded to her in 2006 for her early commitment against discriminatory textbooks.